In just a few clicks, your Shopify store data will be automatically imported to your Dr Tech store!
Which includes:
- products
- customers
- The orders.
- store settings
- shipping areas
- The taxes
- The pages
- blog posts
- discount coupons
Domain name transfer
It is also possible to transfer your domain name and connect it to your Dr Tech store.
More Details about the data imported from Shopify to Dr Tech
Title, content, excerpt, variations, product image, variant images, product gallery, SKU, stock, regular price, sale price, weight, categories and tags. You can also choose to import only certain products.
First name, last name, phone, company, address, city, province, postal code and country.
Payment Method, Shipping Method, First Name, Last Name, Company, Country, Address, Zip Code, City, Province, Phone, Total, Subtotal, Tax, Discount, Shipping Cost, Currency, Date Created, IP Address browser, customer user agent, campaign items, discount code, order number, and order fulfillment.
Shop settings
Store Title, Admin Email, Store Address, City, Country, State, Zip Code, Time Zone, Weight Unit, Currency Code, and Currency Format.
Shipping areas
Shipping zones and shipping methods.
Tax name, tax rate, country, province, zip code and shipping.
Title, content.
Blog posts
Post title, post content, categories, tags and featured image.
Discount coupons
Coupon amount, usage limit, expiration date and minimum amount.